a potent communication device…

Our research shows that, when available, bookmarks are used by readers on average 7 times a week!

Young and old still frequent libraries more than you might think, and print books remain ever popular.

Still much in use by readers, it’s interesting to see that the bookmark was initially recognised as a potent communication device a century ago!
Mrs Barbara Smith of Lincolnshire has shared with us some more great examples of old promotional bookmarks!


Images © Mrs Barbara Smith. Lincolnshire.

We’re thankful to Barbara for sharing these which are part of her collection of more than 21,000 bookmarks.

Working with Suffolk Libraries we have been made aware of a great compilation by the Rosehill Readers. They feature a ‘found bookmark’ as part of their study on the “Ipswitch Lettering” page.

©2004 Copyright the Ipswich Historic Lettering: Borin Van Loon

A contemporary (possibly 1930s or 1940s) ‘Ipswich Public Library’ bookmark.
It was found inside an old copy of the semi-fictionalised biography of Margaret Catchpole by Richard Cobbold.

Using sponsorship to subsidise public services isn’t new!

Among the busy display advertisements the bookmark folds just above the word ‘Ipswich’ to the left. Lift the flap and we find an interesting list of Ipswich libraries.

Thanks to Suffolk Libraries for this info!

Indeed – Using sponsorship to subsidise public services isn’t new!

Libraries love bookmarks

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